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OASIS PKI Member Section Steering Committee

The OASIS PKI Member Section is guided by an elected Steering Committee.

Dr. Peter Alterman

National Institutes of Health

June Leung

FundSERV, Inc.

John Sabo

Computer Associates International, Inc.

Ann Terwilliger

Visa International

Peter Alterman

Dr. Peter Alterman ( is Chair of the Federal PKI Policy Authority and Assistant Chief Information Officer for Electronic Authentication at the National Institutes of Health. In 2001, he was Acting Director of the Federal Bridge Certification Authority and he served as Senior Advisor to the Chair of the Federal PKI Steering Committee until 2003. Dr. Alterman has been actively involved in Internet technology since serving on the Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee in 1989.

In 1997, he received the NIH Director's Award for "providing innovative leadership to NIH Executives and Managers by identifying and addressing critical issues in managing the information technologies of NIH." In 2002, he received the E-Gov Pioneer Award and the Potomac Forum Leadership Best Practice Award for the NIH-Educause PKI Interoperability Project. In 2003 he received Special Recognition Awards from the Federal Bridge Certification Authority and the Federal PKI Steering Committee. In 2005 he received a special recognition award from the E-Authentication Partnership for his work on Levels of Assurance determination.

Dr. Alterman serves on numerous government and industry electronic identity management committees and workgroups. He received his Ph.D. in 1974 from the University of Denver.

June Leung

June Leung ( Chairs the OASIS PKI Member Section Steering Committee and is the Senior Manager, Security & Business Recovery, for FundSERV Inc. Based in Toronto, FundSERV provides network and application services and is the central certificate authority for the Canadian investment fund industry. Ms. Leung began her career at FundSERV in 1999 as a bilingual technical support associate. A year later she became the company's first PKI Security Administrator and went on to hold various positions in the department. Leading a team of seven, Ms. Leung now provides services for some 16,000 certificate holders across 300 firms. She also participates in company's Operations Steering Committee, which manages FundSERV's day-to-day activities. Since May 2000, Ms. Leung has been an active member of Toronto Entrust User Group and OASIS PKI Technical Committee. In 2003, she co-authored the white paper, "PKI Deployment -- Business Issues."

John Sabo

John Sabo ( is the CISSP Director, Security and Privacy Initiatives for Computer Associates, providing leadership in the use of CA technologies in trusted infrastructures. John is an appointed member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee. In June 2005 he also completed seven years of service as a member of the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB), a federal advisory committee managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Mr. Sabo represents CA in a number of industry organizations. He is President of the International Security, Trust, and Privacy Alliance (ISTPA); board member and President of the Information Technology-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC); member of the Homeland Security Policy Task Force and Privacy Subcommittee, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; member of the OASIS PKI Member Section Steering Committee; and co-Chair of the OASIS PKI Technical Committee. For 2006, he is serving as Chair of the ISAC Council, an organization of major ISACs in the United States.

Prior to his work in the private sector, Mr. Sabo was Director of the Social Security Administration’s Electronic Services Staff and recognized as a leader in the development of e-government services. In that capacity, he directly addressed online security and privacy policy and operational issues. Mr. Sabo holds degrees from King’s College (Pennsylvania) and the University of Notre Dame, and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). He speaks regularly at national and international security and privacy conferences and symposia.

Ann Terwilliger ( is Director of Security Projects - PKI for Visa International. She began her career at Visa International in 1987 and has worked on a variety of network and product development projects, including Visa's SET and Verified by Visa eCommerce initiatives. Her primary focus for the past ten years has been implementing PKI at Visa in support of its products and services. Her current responsibilities include administering the Visa X.509 Policy Authority, overseeing the operation of Visa's CAs and developing standards and policies for PKI usage at Visa. Ms. Terwilliger is active in several security standards groups such as IETF and OASIS.



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