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Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
November 5, 2002
PKI: Issues & Applications - Day 1
8:00 am
Registration Desk Opens & Continental
Breakfast Available |
Attendees who registered on-line may stop by the registration
desk to pick up their badge and registration package. On-site registration will
be available for those who do not register on-line prior October 30th. |
8:30 am
Welcome & Introduction |
Lisa Pretty, PKI Forum President |
8:45 am
PKI is Getting re-Discovered |
Brian O'Higgins, Entrust |
Governments will be the leading sector in PKI deployments
for the next year at least. This is both for internal use driven in particular
by homeland security related applications, as well as externally in e-gov applications.
The higher standard of security required by governments distinguishes these designs
over some commercial projects. This talk will look at how PKI technology is being
adopted by governments, and the impact on our industry. |
9:30 am
Delivering the Promise of PKI |
John Weigelt, Government of Canada |
While pundits have described PKI as faltering, the
Government of Canada is demonstrating that the last rites shouldn't be read just
yet. This presentation will illustrate how PKI is being employed to reach all
individuals and businesses that deal with the Government of Canada. This presentation
will outline the innovative deployment strategy used for authentication services,
discuss the challenges as well as solutions employed to deliver the authentication
services that form the foundation for many government on-line applications. A
live demonstration of the authentication system in action will illustrate the
manner in which the authentication services have been deployed to the user. |
10:15 am
Morning Break
10:45 am
The interoperability between NPKI(National PKI)
and GPKI(Government PKI) in KOREA |
Bo-Sung Hwang, KISA |
To assure the security and trust of electronic documents
and to promote use of electronic documents, Korea has prepared basic requirements
for digital signature and NPKI(national PKI) construction. The Digital Signature
Act has been enacted in Feb. 1999 and put into force since July 1999 to advance
the nation into an information society and to improve convenience for the public.
NPKI has been built and operated by the Korea Certificate Authority Central (KCAC)
in Korea Information Security Agency (KISA), in accordance with the enforcement
of the Digital Signature Act. Currently, 6 licensed CAs and many non-licensed
CAs are being operated for the wired certification services. |
11:30 am
A survey of Japanese PKI Market: Major Business
Cases & Applications |
Dr. Naoto Kamouchi, PKI Forum Japan |
The Japan PKI Forum has surveyed recent PKI business
cases and applications in Japan and surrounding countries. They have categorized
the PKI market into some PKI based service fields, for example e-government, B2B
EC, financial field, etc., and interviewed some companies and organizations in
the fields. This presentation will discuss their findings. |
12:15 pm
1:30 pm |
U.S. Federal PKI: Latest Developments in Implementation |
Judith Spencer, USA DoD |
On September 18, four Federal agencies cross-certified
with the Federal Bridge Certification Authority, thereby making it completely
operational. This talk will focus on the Bridge as an enabler in Federal PKI and
the next steps being undertaken in this area. |
2:15 pm
"Authenticating Devices", |
Derek Brink, RSA Security |
As the hype cycle for "PKI" has settled
down, the average person may not be aware of the many ways in which digital certificates
are already being used. This presentation highlights some of these under-the-covers
uses, and projects the future use of digital certificates for network authentication
in a wide range of high-volume devices. |
3:00 pm
Afternoon Break
3:30 pm
"Web Services - A Market Overview" |
Karl Best, OASIS |
Web Services is a hot new area. OASIS is very involved
in the development of web services standards, and has more technical work in this
area than any other standards orgranization. This presentation is an overview
of web services at OASIS, what web services work is being developed and how it
relates to the work of other organizations. |
4:15 pm
"Web Services and the Resurgence of PKI" |
Warwick Ford, VeriSign |
The rise of interest in Web services - automated
machine-to-machine interaction - is increasing the security exposure of critical
systems to unprecedented levels. Through developing standards, such as XKMS and
WS-S, PKI is positioned to play a central role in securing Web services. This
discussion will focus on challenges that Web serifs present, and on examples of
successful implementations of secure Web services. |
5:30 pm
Welcome Reception |
a day of PKI presentations, attendees will have the chance to relax and network
with seminar attendees. The reception will end early enough in the evening to
allow visitors to Dallas to plan for a late dinner or evening out. |
November 6, 2002
PKI Forum Members Meeting - Day 2 |
8:30 am
OASIS Organization Overview |
Karl Best, OASIS |
Effective November 2002, the PKI Forum is a Members
Section within the OASIS organization. Karl will provide an overview of the OASIS
organization, the current technical committees with project status and answer
any questions PKI Forum Members may have. |
9:30 am |
Digital Signatures Perform |
Patricia Lareau, PKI Forum |
Electronic signatures have been given legal status
through legislation worldwide. Legality is only the first step. The signature
solution that meets the trustworthiness that prompts the legislation as well as
meeting all the pre-conditions for validity is the one that will prevail. |
10:15 am |
Morning Break |
10:45 am |
PKI Deployment - Business Issues |
June Leung, FundServ |
As the body of experience surrounding successful
PKI deployments grows, synthesizing the experience to expedite new deployments
is a contribution the PKI Forum membership can make. This presentation will acquaint
you with the content of a newly authored PKI Forum paper that provides deployment
guidance that takes advantage of hindsight. |
11:30 am |
Digital Data and the Meaning of "Audit" |
Steven Teppler, CEO, TimeCertain |
The 21st Century's definition of "audit"
must take into consideration the ephemeral nature of digital data, which has become
the de facto source of information used by auditors. Steve will discuss the need
to insure the integrity of records over time in order to maintain the trustworthiness
so important to the integrity of business processes, including corporate governance,
legal and regulatory compliance, as well as third party reliance. |
12:15 pm |
1:15 pm |
TWG Project Review |
Steve Lloyd, PKI Forum
Andrew Nash, RSA Security |
The TWG has completed several deliverables this year and has several more in
the works. During this session the TWG Leaders will provide project updates and
solicit input from the group. Projects to be covered include:
- SKID/AKID Implementation Guideline
- Certification Path Construction Paper
- CA and User Certificate Profile Implementation Guidelines
- Application Use of PKI
- PKI Enablement Questionnaire
- Token Interoperability and Portability
3:00 pm |
Afternoon Break |
3:30 pm |
TeleTrust Germany Project Update |
Dr. Gotthard Weissflog |
Gotthard will provide an update on TeleTrust activities
including the Brigde CA and ISIS-MTT specification |
4:00 pm |
These two specifications have recently become OASIS
standards. This session will provide a walk through of both. At the end of the
presentation, PKI Forum members will discuss potential future projects to help
with market adoption. |
Agenda November 7, 2002
PKI Forum Members Meeting - Day 3
8:30 am
TWG and BWG Planning Session
During this half-day session, OASIS staff, PKI Forum Chairs, the executive
board and all members present will roll up their sleeves and determine the issues
facing the PKI Market today. By the end of the morning, a future project list
and work plan should be complete.
10:15 am
Morning Break
10:45 am
TWG and BWG Planning Session Continued
12:15 am |
Meeting Wrap-up